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13 items that are helpful to have on the day of your event


party decorations

Getting ready for an event is exciting but also overwhelming. To help alleviate some of the stress we've created a list of items that are helpful to have handy for your event.

1) Wi-Fi log in

Does your venue have wi-fi available for the public? If so, be sure you know the log-in information.

*MAVFC Reception Hall provides free Wi-Fi connection 2) Safety pins & straight pins When it comes to formal affairs, there is always a need for safety & straight pins, take our word for it! 3) First aid kit with bandaids

You know it’s a good party when the dance floor causes blisters! But there can also be other minor injuries that a first aid kit can help with.

4) Aluminum foil, saran wrap, tupperware Don’t let any leftover food go to waste! Wrap it up and bring it home.

*MAVFC Reception Hall has a fridge, freezer and ice machine for you to use during your event. 5) Different types of tape Last minute things comes up, scotch tape or masking tape come in handy! And doesn’t duct tape fix everything?

6) Scissors

Every event needs scissors. We also recommend bringing multiple pairs so you can be extra efficient.

7) Utensils for cutting the cake

You’d be surprised how many people forget the right utensils to cut and serve the cake.

8) Cake plates Don’t forget the plates for cake. These are smaller than the dinner plates and they’re often disposable.

9) Feminine hygiene products It’s life. It happens. Bring a couple extra for someone else, too.

10) Phone chargers

We’re sure you will be taking lots of pictures and videos throughout your event, be sure to bring your charges to keep your phone charged

11) Extra pen and paper

This can be helpful to have for speeches, create a 'to-do' list or reminders.

12) Pack snacks

It’s a busy day and there’s usually a lot to do during set up. Be sure to stay fueled by eating and drinking enough.

13) Create an emergency kit

Helpful things to include would be:

  • Bobby pins

  • Hairspray

  • Concealer

  • Chapstick & lipstick

  • Hemming tape for last-minute repairs

  • Traction pads for heels

  • A pair of panty hose

  • An umbrella and a shawl

  • Stain remover

  • Tissues

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